Welcome to the Lin Aerosol Lab at MSU!
The Lin Aerosol Lab studies emerging airborne contaminants, e.g., bioaerosol, in built and natural environment. Specifically, we study (1) the decay of airborne pathogens in various environmental conditions, (2) utilizing filters in HVAC systems as a tool to detect and quantify airborne contaminants, (3) the emission and breakdown of airborne emerging contaminants, such as antibiotic resistant genes in agricultural settings and MC-LR from lakes with harmful algal blooms issues. Results from our study will advance understanding on human exposure to air pollutants and help address health-related air pollution issues.
Lab News
Dec 2023: It was really nice to teach ENE 481 Environmental Chemistry again in Fall 2023 semester. Dr. Lin implemented some of the teaching techniques he learned from the ExCEED Teaching Workshop over the summer and was pleased with the student learning outcomes. Dr. Lin is looking forward to teaching ENE 489 Air Pollution: Science and Engineering in Spring 2024.
Nov 2023: We are excited that the Lin Aerosol Lab published its first paper in Particle and Fibre Toxicology. In this study, we investigated the lung deposition of little cigar smoke with Sprague-Dawley rats model and found that smoke particle deposited heterogeneously in the lung. Here is the link of the paper.
Nov 2023: Our proposal was funded by Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR). We are looking forward to studying the degradation of microcysin in harmful algal bloom aerosols during atmospheric transport.
Aug 2023: Joshua Gleason (currently a water specialist at EGLE) and Zhiying Ou (currently MS student at UC Berkeley) graduated the past Spring. Good luck!
Lenny Sun joined the group as a PhD student. Lenny received his MS degree from Johns Hopkins University and will be working on the survival of airborne pathogens. Welcome Lenny.
Undergraduate student Zoe Linko, a senior majoring Chemical Engineering, joined the group as an undergraduate assistant.
March 2023: Undergraduate student Alyssa Murphy from College of Natural Science joined the lab to work on the hand dryer project.
Feb 2023: Dr. Lin was awarded for the 2023 Withrow Teaching Excellence Awards in College of Engineering at Michigan State University. Exciting news!
Jan 2023: The Lin group welcomes its first PhD student, Zhouyuan Wang. Zhouyuan received his Master degree from Delft University of Technology and will be working on quantifying respiratory viruses in HVAC systems.
We also had several undergraduate students joined the lab in the Spring semester. Joshua, Zhiying, and Therese are going to work on various projects. Welcome!
Dec 2022: Dr. Lin concluded his first semester teaching ENE481: Environmental Chemistry at MSU. It was a fun experience teaching a group of amazing students.
Nov 2022: The Lin Aerosol Lab was funded to investigate the spread of pathogen in restrooms during the hand drying process.
Aug 2022: Holly Demers joined the Lin Aerosol Lab. Holly is a graduate student in CEE at MSU and will finish her independent study in the lab. Welcome!
Aug 2022: Dr. Lin joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Michigan State University as an assistant professor.